Saturday, January 20, 2007

The comparison game

When you play the comparison game, you always lose .. a jesuit from seattle u said more than once. It's true because you never play against someone you can beat. When I go to the support group with at least 20 other moms and babies I find myself thinking 'wow, that baby is only 4 weeks older but she weighs 5 more pounds than jack. why is jack so small? will he always be small? will he have problems on the playground with bullies? if he does, i will definitely talk to the principal because bullying is very serious. maybe i should enroll him in tae kwon do ..' and on and on. I never compare Jack to the 3 week old baby born 4 weeks premature because then where would i go? 'damn, jack is big. he'll probably be a great athlete. where will the olympics be in 2024? ' no. i never think like that.

i always laughed when parents talked about their concerns for their children when compared to other children. Every kid is different because they have a different set of genes and parents, so why bother comparing? But I see how natural it is and how important it is to be aware that I am doing it.. because while it is silly it very easy to start believing your neurosis.

Here is a photo of Jack looking fierce in the pumas his aunt katie gave him:

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