Wednesday, January 06, 2016

It's the most miserable time of the year!

December is always hard. It rained a lot and that didn't help. I think the anticipation of the Christmas acquisition event is too much for the kids to bear. Jack was especially cranky and angry. Sonia whined a lot.  Ryan had quite a few days off, and we, sadly, spent a few just hanging around the house with no other idea of what to do, I guess. Every time the kids would start fighting or complaining (almost every 5 minutes it seemed), Ryan and I would start singing, "it's the most miserable time of the year!" It made Sonia laugh and Jack generally got angrier. I told Ryan I would like to go to Israel some December since it's not a holiday there.

We had some friends over for dessert and drinks on Christmas afternoon. The kids watched Star Wars on a projector we borrowed. That was fun.

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