Wednesday, April 04, 2012


We have the great good fortune to have friends living in London. I was very sad when they moved away. They are a family of 5 whose oldest child is the same age as Jack. Sonia is between their #2 and #3. We arrived yesterday after a loooong journey. We spent 2 hours in the Seattle airport, 9+ hours on a direct British Airways flight, an hour at the UK passport check/border control, then 30 minutes in a car. We arrived at our friends' lovely Notting Hill home around 230pm. We walked around the neighborhood a bit but were all pretty exhausted. The kids did sleep a bit on the plane but we did not sleep at all.
Last night, we all slept in one room. The kids seem to think it was daytime in the middle of the night.. not the greatest night of sleep but not that bad either. All told, our transition has been ok. We'll be here 3 weeks and I'll chronicle our adventures here.

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