Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Day 2 in London

Our day started slowly as the kids and Ryan slept in a bit. Kate's kids headed to school then Jack returned to bed reporting he was sleepy. Ryan explored Notting Hill and searched for coffee (easily found). We headed to the park that is across the street from Kate's house. Parks cover 30% of London.

Kate tells us the flowers are changed year round.

This is one of the last bottle kilns left in this neighborhood which used to be the poorest part London in the mid 19th century. Bricks were manufactured in the kiln. There is now housing all around this kiln.

We ate lunch, packed snacks and headed for the double decker bus for old london. The kids here ride scooters to get around so Jack scooted around and Kate lent me a stroller for Sonia. She napped while we checked out Westminster Abbey, Big Ben and the Parliament building. This area of town is packed with tourists. It was unusual to hear British English spoken. From there we walked over to St James Park which is across the street from Buckingham Palace. This park is owned by the royal family and we were told picking the flowers is illegal. We rode the Tube back to Notting Hill and snacked on gelato and Italian hot chocolate on Portobello Road. This is a very happening part of town.. lots of shops, fancy homes and foot traffic.

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