Tuesday, November 22, 2016

10 years!

Ten years seems like very little time when you are looking back on it. I have been a parent for ten years. Jack has been alive for ten years. More than anyone I know, Jack has had the greatest impact on my identity (other than my parents but I did not watch that process). Nothing was the same after I met him. I have been challenged more than I thought possible in every possible way: physically, spiritually, monetarily, emotionally, existentially.... I cannot think of other ways to be challenged. I don't look at anything as I did before. Who was I? Who knows? I cannot remember.

On Jack's birthday, Jack had been sick with a stomach virus for almost 2 weeks. He missed 10 days of school. He's always had a sensitive stomach but this was extreme even for him. The election happened. We visited the doctor many times since I didn't see how it could be a virus. He is still occasionally vomiting if he eats too much dairy (or so it seems, I really have no idea why so we'll be visiting the doctor again soon).

We celebrated yesterday with a few friend at the UW HUB.. a very fun place for ten year old boys! The kids played video games, then ate pizza, took the bus there and back (adventure!) and ate cake and opened presents. Fun was had by all, including me. Who knew little boys were so fun.

Jack says his favorite thing was playing video games. He reports that he likes minecraft, books and building legos. He expresses frustration that I am asking these questions. He wants me to find a lost lego.


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