We left the house at 7 with Jack on Ryan's back. I carried a backpack, a roller bag and our carry-on for the flight and Ryan carried his backpack on his front. There were no buses running on capitol hill and the roads were not driveable because we are surrounded by large hills. We walked two miles to the bus tunnel downtown in the snow. Then we waited for an hour for the airport bus. When the bus finally came, the 40 people who were assembled at the stop cheered. The ride to the airport was crazy as the bus slid all over the place but we made it. Our plane took off ontime and we arrived in sunny arizona in the afternoon.
We had a great time. We put our jackets away for the week and enjoyed lots of great time with family and friends. Jack loves it there because he gets lots of attention from the grandparents. We gathered with my high school friends. 3 of them had children this year.. a result of turning 35 I think.
Again, I didn't take that many pictures. One of my resolutions is to get better about that... Here is a random assortment.
My high school pals with all the kids:
Charlie holding a gun which is actually a lighter.. something probably only my dad would buy:
Katie and J:
Jack is playing in one of those plastic houses for kids.. I took this with my iphone which normally takes not-great photos but I liked the light.
Hi Alicia-
Sorry I have been a lurker on your blog for so long- I am a friend of Jenn Wood's (I think I met you one time- maybe at the Korean spa get-together?) and she passed on your blog address to me when I was pregnant- I've enjoyed checking in on your doings over the past year- and have really enjoyed your posts (your Liz Phair one was especially great!). My little girl- Nora- is now 16 months old. I live in CA now- but I have a friend with an 18 month old who just moved to Seattle. I know you mentioned you did a parent-child class at a community college up there- she'd love to get connected to one of these classes as the one down here is great and she wanted to find something similar. Could you email me and let me know where you did that class and I'll pass it along to her...My email is ketchumc@hotmail.com
Thanks so much!
Hi Alicia,
I held my breath from Monday until Wednesday at 3:30 when the plane landed at Skyharbor. I am sure Grandma is in heaven and true to form she made sure you, Ryan and Jack made it to Phoenix on December 24th. It was wonderful having you here for the holidays. I will be eternally grateful that you all came and spent this time with us. Katie and Charlie were the icing on the cake, you all make me very happy. Love, Mom
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