I think I am finally well from being sick for about 3 weeks. In my last post I thought I was on the mend but then I got worse and then worse. I felt the full impact of that annoying phrase 'the buck stops here.' The sick parent thing is a disaster. Ryan took some time off work but he has a new job so he had to return. I was unable to get out of bed and there was simply no one who could help. We live in a busy culture. Everyone is busy.. including me on days I am not nearly dying... so I understand why people can't drop everything to help me care for my child. Luckily for me, when I woke up in the morning I could function enough to get out of bed and care for Jack.
We have been laying pretty low since but on Friday, Bridget and I went to the Museum of Flight. It's great. Jack is more interested in climbing things and motoring around than he was in the exhibits. Lily is really into planes and was always pointing and saying "plane."
We found a great kids book in the bookstore called "Goodnight Seattle" .. a cross between Goodnight Moon and a tour of Seattle. I highly recommend it.

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