When Jack hit 5 or 6 months or so, people started asking me questions like "is he crawling? or "is he sitting up on his own" or "is he pulling himself up" or "is he flipping over a lot" or "can he do long division?" Well, not that, but my response to all of the questions was a similar kind of exasperation that the long division question might provoke. The answer to all the questions was no, no, no, and finally, no not that either. If there were a string of questions, I would say, no, he's just kind of a little lump, happy to lay there. If he were a drinking man, he'd probably just sip on a margarita. To make light of all that business, Ryan and I began calling him our little lumpasaurus.
But those days are over. Jack is scooting and sitting up, and he spends most of his time on his tummy. He grabs my hands and cries unless I pull him to standing. He sleeps on his side or on his belly usually. In order to resist sleep, he flips over onto his tummy then ends up face planting when he just can't resist any longer. We've had to lower the crib mattress.
Oh the times they are a changin.
Here is Jack thinking about long division:

Me and the little guy:
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