We started a new school year and I was likely the most nervous among us. Jack and Sonia both had smooth transitions from vacation to school. Jack's teacher is lovely.. a nice, relaxed woman with 2 teen-aged girls. A few weeks into school, as I explained to her that Jack has no enthusiasm for homework, she agreed that Jack is tough to motivate. Among many other tricks, she had been giving him smarties (little candies) to get him to finish his work. I was relieved that she could see what I saw and didn't think it was my fault. I had intended not to do the homework again this year. However, I decided that if I am going to be in the public school system, I should just try their methods before rebelling against them. Jack's kindergarten teacher said she and her high-school aged daughter could tutor Jack once a week. They are usually able to finish the homework with him. When they don't, he and I discuss being "unafraid of toil" (a phrase Jack has learned from harry potter).
Speaking of Harry Potter and motivation, we have adopted a new point system ala The Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Every time Jack does something that helps me (take a plate to the sink, brush teeth, get dressed .. anything without me having to ask him more than once) he gets points. He doesn't get points for doing homework or being kind to others because (as I explained to him) he needs to do those things because he wants to. I know Alfie Kohn would not approve. Unfortunately, I have used his methods for years with almost no success. Jack doesn't care that it's important to brush his teeth so they won't rot out and he won't have bad breath. He does care that he can get 2 points which go towards his goal of 40 so he can have some screen time.
Sonia participates a little bit but isn't really motivated by the point system. However, she is easier to motivate.
Sonia is pretty happy at school as well. If only pre-school lasted until 4th grade.
First day of 1st grade |
Jack figures out if he puts a pull-up on his head he looks like a ninja -- I did not disavow him of this idea |
Sonia wants to be a ninja too |
Random beautiful early fall morning on greenlake - no kids |