A while ago a friend told me about an article on salon.com about raising children. The author said his life had gone from a daily rating of about a 7 to daily ratings of 9 and 1.. that was the difference between his pre and post children life.
I would agree with this right now. Having an infant and a 3 year old is a challenge every day. I am very grateful for the time I have with both of them. I enjoy being with them and knowing everything about their daily and nightly routines. I have never felt like my work was more important. At the very same time, it is hard. Jack is having more tantrums that seem like they are unprovoked. I never know when they are coming. Sonia's sleeping schedule is a little more fixed which keeps us at home more than we used to be. Jack and I both like to be outside and lately, we've been stuck inside.
One of the cool things that has happened is one of our neighbors bought a trampoline. Jack loves it. It's only 2 doors down so we go in the hour or so window we have between sonia's naps. We even go when it rains. This works until Jack is soaking wet. Here you can see he has lost some steam.

There are two houses under construction across the street. There's lots of major excavation going on. Jack and our neighbor Adam love to watch the "digger." Adam and Jack get together more now that we are home all the time.

We are doing lots of book reading and pretend play. Here is Jack as a ghost: