But I have noticed that I have become conservative in other ways. Jack and I went to Arizona last weekend to visit my mom and the sun. It was a lovely vacay and Jack is a great traveller. On Saturday night, my mom watched him while I went to the roller derby with some friends from high school. It was a lot of fun except for one small part. The roller derby was in west phoenix.. west phoenix makes south seattle look like beverly hills. I am from west phoenix so I know it well. And the general scene around the derby brought back more of those high school memories. I used to have to take the city bus home from my high school which was 25 miles east of my home. I went to an all-girls catholic school and I sometime forgot clothes to change into so I had to wear my uniform on the bus.. and the bus picked up lots of high school kids from the public schools of west phoenix. My uniform was a plaid pleated skirt and theirs was mostly whatever was worn in the latest Winger video. Let's just say I don't recall us ever really getting along. And now those people have grown up and on Saturday nights they take their grandchildren to the roller derby.
As I drove home, I thought that I would make sure Jack never had experiences like that. I want to shelter him from the west phoenix people. Then I realized how snotty that sounded but unfortunately, the feeling is genuine and not fleeting. Hmmm.
Here we are at (where else?) the country club: