This summer, I am taking my last general chemistry class. It's a ten week class condensed to 8. It is taking a great deal of my time, and I am not doing very well.. as far as I can tell, this will be my worst grade. It's irritating. I have more child care and I work on it when Jack goes to bed and sometimes even when he is awake. In the past, I spent about 25 hours a week on my chemistry homework.. but now I simply do not have that much time. I have to pay attention to Jack; he is my first priority. And I have to work when Ryan is home on the weekends.
I hear a lot of moms who work outside the home talk about this new mediocrity. Before a child, they excelled at everything they did and now their best is not as good only because they don't have as much time as they used to for work. It is hard to make peace with my less-than-good grade especially after I have given the class so much energy.
Here is Jack with Bridget (who sees him more than I do it seems)

Jack and Lily (the other baby Bridget watches)