One day late.
I never used to think about Mother's day much. I appreciate my mom every day so I didn't think Mother's Day felt that much different than other days. I have a *slightly* cynical side that notices we tend to set aside special days for people we say we value but really, we don't. If we really valued motherhood, we would have better daycare, and staying home with your kids would not be below "working" on the hierarchy of american activities that matter, (insert my usual rant here). However, we do have this one day to celebrate the all-consuming, lifelong, joyful, and anxiety-provoking role of mommyhood, and I am now grateful for it. Experience is a great teacher.
Ryan and I went out to dinner at Crush on Saturday night. It was our first real date night in 6 months. Very fun. My mom sent me flowers, and bridget also gave me a big bouquet and a very precious mug that she made with Jack. I went to yoga sunday morning and spent the rest of the day with Jack... it was a lovely day.
In Jack news, he will be 6 months old this Friday. Hard to believe. His latest thing is that he likes to roll over onto his stomach but then he gets stuck there, and cries. I roll him back over and he immediate rolls back to his tummy, and cries. We will do this 10 times in a row. It reminds me of the SNL skit with Tom Hanks when he played Mr Short Term Memory. He is eating dinner at a fancy restaurant then suddenly spits out his food because he has no idea what's in his mouth. I know Jack will learn he can roll back by himself, and that will be an exciting day.