For non-parents or parents who parented before there were 10,000 books on how to parent (who knew how many parts of speech the word parent could be?), "Tummy time" is an activity you are supposed to do every day starting from the day you bring junior home in order to cultivate his upper body strength. We have been working on this with Jack for only a few weeks because I haven't read any books on developing motor skills and therefore, did not know about tummy time (gasp). What can I say? I thought it just happened. I don't see a lot of people who can't hold their head up .. but I digress. I am pleased to report, Jack is beginning to rock the tummy time. You may think this isn't that great but for several weeks we called tummy time 'lie on your face and cry time.' So we are pleased.
This weekend, Ryan's parents visited. This was their first meeting of their second grandchild and they were thrilled. We took them to the new sculpture park. We all loved the park but Jack seemed bored and fell asleep almost immediately.
Earlier this week, jack had his first sort-of play dates. We met with Cyrus and his mom, Jo. Cyrus is only 5 days older than Jack. We also met with maggie and her parents, megan and ben. Maggie is only three weeks old and we forgot to take pictures but you'll see them again.
Jack's favorite activity is still sleep and he is so cute when he sleeps that by the time he reaches his first bday I won't be surprised if we have taken 1000 asleep photos.